Public Works

Administrative Offices located at 320 Boulevard
Facilities located at Plant Road [Map]

Superintendent of the Public Works Department:  Lenny Masucci
General Foreman: Rob Riordan

Administrative Information
In addition to sanitation and recycling collections, road and sewer maintenance and tree services, the DPW is responsible for the repair and maintenance of all Borough buildings and the upkeep of parks and athletic fields.

Office Hours
Regular -- Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – 201-288-1072


Garbage & Recycling Information 



 Recycling & Garbage Pickup Information 2025 Calendar


Recycling -- 
Recycling is mandatory. Recycling calendars may be obtained from the Department of Public Works. A calendar explaining recycling and solid waste pickup can be obtained at the Municipal Building or at the Public Library. For further information – 201-288-1072.

Effective Immediately NO PLASTIC BAGS
Newspapers/cardboard/paper will NOT be collected in plastic bags
Recyclables must be in containers and will NOT be collected in plastic bags
Only clean plastics marked #1, 2 or 5 will be collected.

Hasbrouck Heights Recycling at a Glance Guide 

Plastic Bans Work Article

Recycling Hours -- 
The Recycling Center is open Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Open the 1st and 3rd Saturday from 7 a.m. to noon.
Closed all other Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays


 Storm Water Pollution

The Borough has distributed information about storm water pollution and how pet waste pollutes our waters. 


Storm Water Managment

What is stormwater?

The official definition of stormwater under the N.J.A.C. 7:14A rules is as follows:
'Stormwater' means water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs off the land's surface, is transmitted to the subsurface, or is captured by separate storm sewers or other sewage or drainage facilities, or conveyed by snow removal equipment.



MS4 Outfall Pipe Map